

'You completely changed my life 20 years ago with the work you did with me. I have never looked back!' Rani


'I was so confused. We are now so happily married and expecting a baby.' Kristina


'I feel much clearer in my head about what I need to do and I have tools to achieve it.' Lisa


'Our communication has improved a lot. We were at each other's throats all the time before. We have learned to respect each other more.' Ana Maria and Dulce


'I was so uncertain about my career and future professionally. I have just been appointed to an executive post in Africa.' Donna


'You completely shifted my perception when you said I could still love her without choosing to be with her.' Mike


'I use the tools you gave me on a daily basis and am coping so much better.' Richard


'I did not know how to let my husband in emotionally so it is not surpising I didn't conceive. Now against all clinical odds I am pregnant.' Isabel


'Depression is a horrible affliction. Thank you for helping me through it.' Lauren


'I didn't achieve anything in school. Now I have a degree in Psychology thanks to your encouragement.' Paula


'I was afraid to leave the house. Now I travel the world!' Suzi


'My wife was so cruel with her behaviour and the things she said to taunt me and I was off work with depression. Now I have been able to gain clarity and stand up for myself. I have a new job and relationship elsewhere. I am so looking forward to the future.' Rob

